Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Review of Steering Through Chaos

One thing that is evident above all else after reading Pastor Scott Wilson's book is that he is a man of character, who is after God's heart. He is not a pastor of a large church who is just telling you how they did it. He is a pastor who loves other pastors and people and wants to help them grow and become all that God wants them to be in order to further the Kingdom of God. I'm impressed with the continual reminder that all of this is for people and for God's Kingdom, it's not about us, we're just the conduit to bring real change and transformation to the people around us.
When I picked up this book the first thought that came to mind had nothing to do with, "Wow, this is gonna hurt." But, after reading the book I have been excited yet exhausted, overjoyed yet overwhelmed, motivated yet scared. My gut has been wrenched throughout this book. Coming to the realization again that "I" have allowed myself to direct my ministry rather than letting God direct it. You wonder how one book has caused all this in me.
1. I have been excited to see the path that Pastor Scott Wilson has traveled and enthusiastic to pursue it for my ministry as well, but exhausted by the thought of all that it requires. Steering any ministry, whether through chaos or calm, is going to be both exciting and exhausting. It is easy to forget the second. That it takes work, perseverance and patience and at times will be exhausting.
2. I have been overjoyed to read the successes of Pastor Wilson's church, but also of many other ministry leaders from across the country. It infuses me with energy and a desire to jump in and go after what God wants for me. But at the same time there is that overwhelming, gut wrenching feeling, that the job is too big, too difficult, too time consuming. But I'm reminded that none of those are true. The job is never too big, difficult or time consuming if it is God's job. Too often I have determined the path rather than letting God do it.
3. I am motivated to get out there and do what needs to be done. To make the tough choices in order to see our ministry grow and be most effective at reaching the lost. I want to see our ministry grow and really transform lives. But as motivation sets in, the fear of having to redirect a ministry leader into another area or away from their current ministry to another becomes painfully real.

All said, I have recommended this book to my Senior Pastor, board members and youth pastor of our church. I hope it will impact them the way it has impacted me. It has been life changing for me. I hope that I can apply all that I have learned from this book. Thank you Pastor Scott for taking the time to share with all of us.

Pastor David Rehn
Worship Pastor
First Assembly of God
Warrensburg, MO

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Excitement of a New Day

Every day poses it's challenges and obstacles. We can face them as challenging and difficult or we can be excited about what's on the other side of that challenge or obstacle. I've found in life that with every obstacle I hurdle there is usually something better on the other side. If nothing else there is at least a little rest before the next obstacle. So, find peace in knowing that on the other side of that obstacle there awaits some peace before the next hurdle. But be preparing yourself mentally, spiritually and emotionally for that next obstacle. It will come and it may be higher and bigger then the last one. Remember, God is bigger than every obstacle we face or difficult, challenging situation or individual that we come up against. God is BIGGER!

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Day

It's the end of a Friday for me, so how come it feels like a new day beginning? I have a weekend ahead filled with quality time with my wife and son. I'm looking forward to getting some down time from work to just relax and enjoy myself and my family.

We allow ourselves to get so busy and caught up with the day to day that we forget to stop and just . . . stop! We really need portable stop signs we can just set out in front of ourselves and stop.

Stop to take time to reflect on the day. On God's faithfulness to you for yet one more day.

Stop to thank your family for who they are and what they mean to you.

Stop to spend some time reading a good book.

Just stop.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I'm not so good at keeping up with this. Everyday is a choice, really. You choose what to do and when. What will you do this morning, this afternoon, this evening? Who will receive your time and how much of it? Who or what will suffer and not receive your time? Choose what's worth choosing. Some things just aren't worth it, you should know by now what is worth it and what isn't worth it. What will affect you tomorrow or next week or next year? What won't affect you at all? Think about it, before you choose what to do today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Easy Life

Ah, the easy life. Easy street. What a great place to be? Are you there? I know I'm not. Everyday is a challenge, everyday is a work in progress. It's never easy, but it's at least always interesting. It keeps us on our toes for sure. Life can be easy if we let it be. Let the worries and stress of each day roll off your shoulders and move forward. Move ahead of your difficult situations and stay in front of them. Don't get behind it and let it slow you down or hinder you. Samson had his eyes gouged out and was put to work as a slave. But he got ahead of that situation and found the strength one more time to defeat the Philistines. Joseph was in a cistern, sold as a slave, promoted in Egypt, sent back to prison and finally promoted again. If he had wallowed in his difficult situation he would still be a slave in Egypt. Get out ahead of your difficult situation and you manage it rather than it managing you. You give direction to your life, not your situation.

Pastor D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Always a Reason to PRAISE!

Well, here I am in the blogosphere. Thought I would try it out. I mean, why not? Everyone else is doing it right, so it must be good. Or so they say.

Today's Thought:

God never leaves us without a reason to praise Him. When you're sick, you're still alive, no matter how sick you are. When you're broke, He still puts food in your mouth. No matter what, if you stop and think about it long enough you'll realize there is a reason to praise God.

Love you all and God Bless!
Pastor D